If a child if 5 years of age on or before August 1, he or she can be enrolled in Lewis County Schools. If a student is 17 years of age or younger, a parent or guardian must enroll the student. KENTUCKY SCHOOL REGULATIONS MANDATE THAT ALL STUDENTS ENROLLING IN A KENTUCKY SCHOOL MUST HAVE THE FOLLOWING (INCLUDES PRE-SCHOOL):
1. A physical examination completed by your doctor or health department and recorded on the official Kentucky Department of Education form. Students in E-5th must have an initial entry physical examination. Students in 6 and up must have a 6th grade form. (A sports physical will not be accepted)
2. A valid immunization certificate issued by your doctor or health department on the Commonwealth of Kentucky Immunization Certificate form.
3. A copy of a birth certificate certified by the Bureau of Vital Statistics in the state of birth. (This cannot be a hospital copy.)
4. A copy of the student’s social security card.
5. An eye examination form signed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
6. Parent’s/Guardian’s name, mailing address, and phone number (or number where they can be reached).
7. Custody papers if the parents are divorced.
8. Legal guardianship papers if individual the student is living with is not the student’s legal birth parent.
These materials are to be presented to the school before the student will be enrolled. It is the legal responsibility of the parent, guardian, foster parent, social services and/or court system to provide these materials before enrollment.
A student may pre-register but may not begin school until all materials are provided to the school where the student will attend.