Lewis County Schools

Attendance Information

Beginning with the 2006-07 school year, attendance for all students in the state will be calculated based on the actual percentage of time the student is absent from school.

In the past, reports for attendance showed students as tardy, half-day absent, or all-day absent.  Now, attendance reports will show students as tardy or the actual percent of the school day the student was absent.  You may also see the new reporting calculations on other reports such as report cards.

A student will be considered tardy if they miss up to 60 minutes of the day by arriving late, leaving early, or a combination of the two.  If a student misses more than 60 minutes of the school day, then the entire amount of time will be counted as absent and recorded as a percentage missed of the day. Reports will show a “T” for tardy if it falls within the 60 minutes or as a percentage of the day missed. 

For example, if a student is 30 minutes late one morning, that will be recorded as a tardy.  If the students misses 100 minutes of the day, that will be counted as an absence and recorded as 27% of the day absent (100 minutes of a 370 minute school day). You may see reports showing 30%, 47%, 75%, etc. indicating the percent of the day the student was absent from school.

Parents will need to send a signed note to school anytime a child is absent including tardies within three days of the student returning to school after an absence.  If a valid note is not received within the three day limit, the absence will be recorded as unexcused.   A note is required even if the parent noted the reason on the sign-in/sign out log at the time of check in or check out.    Parents may also submit documentation from a doctor, etc. (limit of six per year) for six tardies and for six cumulative days of absences.

The Truancy Statutes have not changed since the previous year classifying six (6) unexcused absences as habitually truant. For Lewis County School’s purpose of calculating habitual truancy, we will use a cumulative figure. For example, missing 30% of one day unexcused and 70% of another day unexcused, would equal one (1) full day unexcused absence.

Should a student have a verifiable condition that makes an assignment to homebound necessary documentation must be provided to the school.  Homebound must be five school days or more in length
Lewis County Schools
251 Lions Lane, P.O. Box 159, Vanceburg, KY 41179
Phone: 606 796-2811 | Fax: 606 796-3081
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