Lewis County Schools

Pupil Personnel

The Director of Pupil Personnel is responsible for ensuring that students are present in school on a regular basis. If a student is not attending school regularly, it is the responsibility of the DPP to take appropriate action to correct the situation. This may occur in the form of a letter, home visit, referral to school staff, state agency, or court action. Status of student excuses for absences are determined by the school. Records of student attendance and enrollment are maintained by the schools and monitored by the DPP.

Research indicates that students and schools with good attendance have a greater chance of success. The DPP collaborates with schools to improve services to students, determine areas for improvement, and make referrals to available community services.

Other areas of responsibility for the DPP are: student enrollment, dropout prevention, school nurses, Family and Youth Resource Centers, homebound, home schools, school calendar, code of student conduct, court contacts, and other related topics. Should you have any questions, please call Michael Melton at 606-796-2811 or email:

Pupil Personnel Staff

Lori O'Keefe
Lori O'Keefe
Lewis County Schools
251 Lions Lane, P.O. Box 159, Vanceburg, KY 41179
Phone: 606 796-2811 | Fax: 606 796-3081
Building Futures Through Education
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