The Lewis County Board of Education, its faculties and staff believe the health of our youth to be of top priority. In order to ensure that our students have good tasting, nutritional and appealing meals, we participate in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs for our students.
The Food Service Staff plans monthly menus for each of the district's schools, following compliance guidelines from NSLP and USDA commodity regulations. Menus are made available in each of the schools so students and staff can plan accordingly. Breakfast is offered daily to the students at all Lewis County Schools. The program also maintains record keeping, free and reduced lunch compliance/verification, and policy implementation and training of employees.
Our Food Service Program provides us with an opportunity to put into action the concepts of nutrition we are teaching our students. Good nutrition equips the body and brain with the necessary elements to function at their peek.
Individuals attend school to benefit from our academic program, but good nutrition is as important a message to convey to the student body.
It is our goal to have School Food Service add to the programs offered in the Lewis County Schools to ensure the students have a healthy, safe environment of learning each school day.