Lewis County Middle School

LCMS Counselor

Mrs. Jeanna Melton
Welcome to the Lewis County Middle School’s Counseling page!  Middle school is an exciting and challenging time for students, their parents/guardians, and teachers. During this transition from childhood to adolescence, it is essential to identify the academic and social/emotional needs of each student, as well as provide any necessary interventions that they may require.   In partnership with other educators, parents/guardians, and the community, my goal as the school counselor is provide your child with academic, social-emotional, and college & career skills that they need for continual growth and resilience.   

If you have any questions, please contact me by email ([email protected]) or by calling the school at 606-796-6228. 
Kentucky Adult Education
Lewis County Middle School
51 Middle School Lane, P.O. Box 69, Vanceburg, KY 41179
Phone: 606-796-6228 | Fax: 606-796-6255
Building Futures Through Education
© 2025. Lewis County Schools. All Rights Reserved.
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